Omaha Leaders is led by a visionary strategic Board of Directors who oversee the diligent work of six teams. Our teams have an important role in helping Omaha Leaders achieve its vision and uphold its mission.
No significant or sustained time and energy are needed to serve as a team member. Team members should be actively involved in the Omaha Leaders community.
Before you apply to serve with us, please note the following terms on team membership:
Team members are appointed for a one-year or two-year term, with the length of service commitment dependent upon the team. Members of the Events and Communications Teams serve one-year terms. All other teams request a two-year service commitment.
All members serve as private individuals, rather than as representatives of the state or of specific organizations.
Team members receive no remuneration for service, time, or travel.
Team members are expected to maintain excellent communication with their team chair, attend at least 75% of team and board/team meetings, and provide 48-hour notice if absence is expected at one of these events. Team members are also highly encouraged to participate in Omaha Leaders' public events, including Leaders Lunches and The Global Leadership Summit.
Team members should also be members of the Omaha Leaders organization. For more information about membership, click here.
Team members are reviewed annually by their respective team chair. Reviews will include, but not be limited to, the following components of excellence in team service:
upholding all organizational values
meeting attendance and participation in OL initiatives
execution of role responsibilities
providing sound leadership
Following this review, team members who have demonstrated leadership excellence may be invited to renew their team service for an additional term.
7. The Omaha Leaders Board reserves the right to terminate team membership for cause.
Omaha Leaders Team Serve with the
Find Your Team
Team Service Commitment: 2 years
The Development Team leads and oversees activities related to relational capital and influence in the marketplace. This includes strategic relationship building, garnering support and involvement, and increasing the presence and recognition of Omaha Leaders. Fundraising activities fall under this team.
Team Service Commitment: 2 years
The Engagement Team encourages new community leaders to plug in to Omaha Leaders, aligning each with a specific team role that builds upon their God-given strengths and interests.
Team Service Commitment: 1 year
The Events Team strategizes, coordinates, and plan all events hosted by Omaha Leaders that center on leadership growth and development. This includes our monthly Leaders Lunches, annual Mastermind Groups, and other gatherings specifically including leadership messages, dialogues, and provision of resources to individuals and organizations.